FAQ: What is the maximum load lead voltage drop, that the APS power supplies can tolerate while maintaining voltage regulation?

The APS series power supplies can handle a drop of up to 25% of the voltage rating per load lead and still maintain output regulation. Do not to exceed 25% of the voltage rating, or you may damage the instrument.

Applies to: N6950A, N6951A, N6952A, N6953A, N6954A, N6970A, N6971A, N6972A, N6973A, N6974A, N6976A, N6977A

Applies to: N7950A, N7951A, N7952A, N7953A, N7954A, N7970A, N7971A, N7972A, N7973A, N7974A, N7976A, N7977A

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